Friday, November 23, 2007

va beachly weather... GAAAAH!!!!!

so, yesterday, our high was 79 degrees... now, can someone please explain to me how if it was THAT warm yesterday, why are high today is only gonna get to *48* DEGREES!??!?! GAH! the saying is true.. if you don't like the weather in virginia beach... give it 5 minutes... it'll change. seriously... dropping like 30sum degrees in ONE day.

i remember one day a couple years ago maybe, we had like every season in one single day. i'm not kidding. we had sunshine, rain, snow, hail, wind, and then back to sun. ...all in one day!

i didn't set my alarm this morning. one reason is cause i've got the day off, and i didn't want to get up early. but, ALSO cause i'm dogsitting and i figured that the pups would wake me up at about 6am. like they did yesterday. ...yeah, well they didn't! ....845o'clock later, i wake up. they didn't make a SOUND... weird. especially since i thought rosie would be up all night, cause she had gas and wanted to go to the bathroom like every 25 minutes. any ways, so i missed all the crazies out at 5am. i'm gonna try to go out here pretty soon though. rosie and bella are outside playing. i'll let them run for a little bit before i head out. ...also gotta go to gramma's house and pull down christmas stuff. lots to do today!!!! lots lots lots!

hope you all had a great thanksgiving, and are enjoying black friday!!!!!! :)

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