Saturday, February 16, 2008

so, my moe jo sent me an email today because i hadn't posted in a month. ..well, i have a legitimate excuse. i've been sick. seriously. i was sick pretty much the ENTIRE month of january!!! ...and even a little into february... even NOW, i've still got a cough. but, i'm feeling much better than i was. i finally finished my antibiotics. thanks dr. kay. :)

i've had a LOT of things going on in my life... i went to NYC for new years. it was inCREDible!!!!! pics are up on my myspace and facebook accounts. check them if you have time. they are fun. :) so, yeah... new york for new years, then sickness came. blah blah.

i am in a new department at work. i no longer work in the ladies department. i'm in a much better department now... unfortunately, it's not very fashion forward. it's men's underwear and socks... (fun, huh???) :) it's also tailored clothing, umbrellas, wallets, belts, ties, etc... but, i'm going from a dept. that's only a few million $ a year, to almost $30 MILLION a year!! aaahhhHHHH!!!!! lots more to do, but... i won't be chasing my tail trying to keep up. i know i'll be working for a purpose... i'm soooo happy. i'm already sleeping better at night! :)

i went to a friend's house for dinner tonight. she's a dear friend of mine. one of my best friends. i adore her. she is super fun, and sweet... she is extremely intelligent and knows her stuff. she's an LPN... it's always just a breath of fresh air when i get to talk to her. i love her. anyways... we were discussing things of God, and i just realized how much i miss her. ...and, quite honestly, how much i miss *me*. ...she and i use to go to the same church. she goes to a synagouge now. but, she was sharing about an experience she had a couple weeks ago, and it just reminded me of how things use to be. i'm watching a billy graham episode right now. it's time i go back to church.

something else happened to me within the last week. ...actually, not me personally, but... one of the greatest men i will ever know... ....ben resigned from pastor of RESTON COMMUNITY CHURCH up in D.C. last sunday. nothing scandalous. he is not that kind of guy. he is probably one of the most passionate people you could EVER have the privilege of knowing... truly... he loves people. his heart is for people. and last sunday, he stepped down at pastor. i'm still trying to process it. :) but, he feels God leading him to something else. and it's wild just hearing how "okay" he is with this uncertainty. i mean, i guess it's not really all that uncertain... the only certainty is that God has him and his family. He is going to take care of it all. He is going to lead him to something great. something even GREATER than what he's been doing at RCC for the last 6 years. ben and ainsley's faith touches my heart. my heart revisits the memories of when ben&ains shepherded me at LBBC. i love these 2 people in a special way. they are sincere. they are genuine. they are just incredible people. and i miss them. and can only pray that i will be able to be a part of whatever God has for them next.

God is pulling....

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